One of the least pleasant legacies from when the manic generation of 1968 came of age, is that notions such as "visions" and "improvement" has become tools for social engineering in the hands of bureaucrats and certain schools of politicians.
Not only does these once good notions today engender additional publicly funded layers of red tape and departmentalism, clogging what instead should have been a sound and narrow state administration with delimited means and focal points. But they also lead to intolerance, as these attempts of "top-down improvements" of society, gives people with political power ways of deciding how other grown ups and supposedly free people should lead their lives and manage their undertakings. This is often done from a purely theoretical perspective, where detailed guidance and governing becomes clearly erroneous when applied in reality.
As a matter of fact should the public sector, and more importantly, the public administration, never have become the wide and expensive instrument for reducing unemployment it acts as today. If we want to be able to afford a public sector with welfare responsibilities, we must keep in mind that the revenue comes from the non-publicly funded sector, which for this reason must constitute the bigger part of the economy.